This sickens me. Last week’s Supreme Court decision didn’t just weaken education policy; it weakened policy across the board. So, the Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo case ruling has decided that judges must use their own independent judgment to decide if an agency is acting within its legal authority.
Fishermen changing the law for all
Also, you should know that it was a group of fishermen that brought this case to the courts. Why? Because they didn’t want to have to pay for observers to be on their vessels. Basically, the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act states that vessels in the ocean need to have at-sea monitoring programs on their boats to ensure they are following proper protocol when fishing. It’s meant to make sure fishermen are not harming sharks, whales, turtles, and things like that. Well, these fisherman said that they shouldn’t have to pay the fee, it’s expensive and they should just be trusted. Mmhmm. Well, they won the argument and when they won the argument a 40-year-old rule got overturned. That’s the Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council ruling.
Hey, I like fish, I’m a fan of fishing. I know it is expensive to have to pay for an overseer, and yeah, I probably wouldn’t want to either. I get it. But damn, man, the overseer is needed because there are endangered animals going extinct due to fishermen not caring about what they do. And unfortunately, some fishermen leave plastic nets and other trash in the seas, which is polluting our oceans. I’m sorry, but that’s the fact. Seriously, the highest court changed overturned a policy that will impact EVERYONE, because of Atlantic herring!?
Depending on where you live, you’re doomed
In simplified terms, the court’s decision makes it so that it no longer matters what experts say about policy; the state government can interpret things however it wants. This ruling will wreak havoc on education, the environment, family policy, healthcare, you name it. Some company chemicals leaching into the water supply? An environmental agency can no longer protect you unless the state agrees to what they say. So if that company spewing chemicals has a lot of money and knows the right legislator, guess what friends, you’re screwed. I guarantee that this ruling will lead to more challenges of agency decisions in court.
Why? Because there are certain states with extremely conservative legislators who are biased with anything that doesn’t make a rich white man richer or more powerful. If that statement upsets you, then you’re likely one of them. There is nothing wrong with being wealthy or white or a man, mind you, it’s when you put those three together and it turns you into someone who thinks you should always have more than others… that’s when I have a problem.
The voice of reason

Justice Elena Kagan was the one voice of reason during this process, but her reasoning, unfortunately, was not enough. Kagan criticized the majority for overturning the long-standing Chevron doctrine, arguing that this action disregarded the principle of stare decisis (respecting legal precedent). She viewed this as part of a troubling pattern of the current court overturning settled law. Kagan argued that the ruling represents a significant power grab by the judiciary. She accused the conservative majority of transforming the court into “the country’s administrative czar,” taking power away from expert agencies and giving it to judges who are not experts in every field under the sun. Kagan emphasized that federal agencies, not courts, have the necessary expertise to make informed decisions on complex regulatory matters. She argued that courts lack the specialized knowledge required for many technical and scientific issues.
Maybe I’m wrong, please let me be wrong. I’d love to be wrong in this case.
President has limited power except for one major thing
Justices Clarence Thomas, 75, and Samuel Alito, 73, could retire over the next four years. We have seen the damage that can be caused when the wrong person chooses replacements. Neil Gorsuch, 55, Brett Kavanaugh, 58, and Amy Coney Barrett, 51, were appointed by former President #HeWhoShallNotBeNamed. Guess where those three people have been standing in all the latest rulings that are taking away the rights of the most vulnerable populations in our country? Yep. It won’t be long before they overturn gay marriage and maybe even interracial marriage; who knows, anything is possible now. And no I’m not being dramatic, I’m being real, and yes, we would be worried.
Oddly enough, the President of the United States has far less “power” than people realize. The one BIG thing that the President can do is nominate a Supreme Court Justice, which as I explained above #HeWhoShallNotBeNamed did during his term, THREE TIMES. Since those extremely conservative, narrow-minded justices have been in those seats, terrible decisions have been made that have taken our country back to a time when wealthy, white men were the ones who made the rules and got away with anything, although if I am being honest, that kind of has always been the case, but we really don’t have a leg to stand on at all now.
Side immunity rant
Do not even get me started on the immunity they just gave to our former president, #HeWhoShallNotBeNamed. The sheer fact that a convicted felon, womanizer, bully could potentially get voted in again makes me nauseous. The fact that so many people still support and give money to that man boggles my mind. You know in some states felons aren’t allowed to vote for the President, but hey, I guess it’s okay for the President to be a convicted felon. What do I know!?
I sincerely fear for our future right now more than ever.
Music to match the mood
… Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn
World serves its own needs
Don’t mis-serve your own needs
Speed it up a notch, speed, grunt, no, strength
The ladder starts to clatter
With a fear of height, down, height
Wire in a fire, represent the seven games
And a government for hire and a combat site
Left her, wasn’t coming in a hurry
With the Furies breathing down your neck